"There is something of the marvelous in all things of nature" Aristotle.
Plantin Kaviari would be nothing if it wasn't for nature's amazing gifts, the fantastic people it works with and the environment it thrives in. The quality of our caviars, truffles and other products wouldn't be without this synergy. To maintain and improve it, we are working every day to become a more sustainable company. It is up to all of us to make tomorrow a greener, better day.
Click on the right to learn about our sustainable actions.
Our entire team worlwide is working hard to go green. Whether it is our drivers learning how to eco-drive, or our management teams organising in-house eco-responsibility meetings, our office teams using more and more recycled equipment … In France, Plantin has been organising meetings with truffle farmers to educate them on environmental issues for a while now. As we are learning to become better citizens of the world, we are proud and happy to share our knowledge with you.
Working is one thing. Being happy is another, much more important one. Thus it is of paramount importance to create a healthy, happy work environment. We encourage team-bonding activities - dinners, post-work drinks, birthdays and holidays celebrations ... - . Because several of our employees are proud parents, we customize their schedules. We are still learning, but we aim at improving work and life conditions so our co-workers can thrive and focus on what is most important.